I was recently asked to write for the Tiny Devotions Blog (Boho Daily). And of course I gratefully and humbly accepted. If you'd like to see the post you can check it out on their blog as well as here! If your curious on how to align with your destiny....please read on. And once read, go out and shine like a diamond and allow your true essence to show you the way!
5 Ways to Align with your Destiny
Ah, it’s that big question that enters our mind at some point in life! What’s my purpose here on this planet, why am I here, what am I supposed to do, and where do I find the answers? Never fear, fear will only take you further from your true calling! Many things in life seem daunting and overwhelming. Particularly trying to figure out what it is that were meant to truly do or be. However, part of our task while were here is to seek the answers, explore life and all its many facets. So how do we begin the journey and discover our purpose rather than sulking in the shadows? Here are 5 suggestions for you to connect to your calling and align with your destiny.
- In stillness we receive. Take some time to become quiet whether it be through meditation, sitting in nature, or simply lying down and breathing in deeply until a feeling of deep calm washes over your entire being. These are the moments when we can truly and deeply connect to what our deepest desires are and to hear ourselves clearly. When we remove all the extraneous noise, we can hear our true nature calling us into action!
- When your out and about exploring life, when your interacting with others, when your alone and have a complete and total feeling of contentment. Pay attention to these moments. Most likely your sensing something deeper than you realize. These moments are like tiny seeds being planted for future growth. All of the tiny little moments that take your breath away, send shivers through your body, make your heart skip a beat, and remind you that life is magical. You are aligning with your destiny in these moments!
- Getting very clear on your vision. Something that makes your heart sing, that you have a deep passion for, and that you truly without a doubt whole heartedly believe in!
- Know that your right where you need to be for the lessons to come through. Most likely what your experiencing is something that you will be teaching and sharing in the future. Obstacles are meant to teach us, to build us, and to show us how to be more fluid in life. All of these lessons are meant to be lived in order for you to understand them and connect to what your purpose is.
- Allow yourself to evolve, to be of service without any expectations from anyone, align with your higher self through service and be love!
When you know what your life’s work is you’ll have a feeling of alignment with self and others. You will fall completely and madly in love with what you do and this will ripple out into the world! You will know 100% what your purpose is because it will show up as a calling or highest purpose. Everyone of us has a higher purpose or calling in life. And everyone has a beautiful talent or service to share with the world. You will know when the heart sings loudly and all else will make way for your destiny to unfold and be revealed! Enjoy the ride! xx