Have you ever gone to yoga where the class began with very little time to check in, jumping right into the physical practice? Well, I certainly have! For me this can be very unpleasant, I've found myself in a fast almost anxious state without any process time or space to really see what's going on. Our lives in general are always moving at quite a rapid state. Going from one thing to the next, many simply on autopilot not feeling or even aware of what they are doing. And when not moving from one appointment to the next we have our attention glued to our cell phones, computers, or some electronic device taking us into social media land or the vast internet world. If we as a society continue to live and move in this way, we're missing the point of living! We're missing the nectar of life, the moments that feed us, inspire us, and move us to feel compassion, joy, creativity. Moments to connect to what and who are around us.
I'm saddened when I sit at a dinner with a group of people and half are to busy taking and posting pics rather than being present with the company around them. Have we lost our social skills, have we lost our sense of connection to ourselves as well as others? I believe in some part the answer is yes. Perhaps the prescription for such an ailment is to simply put down your devices, take a pause from all social media, connect to the people beside you no matter where you are, and to take time and pause to reconnect to your innermost self. Without this precious time for oneself we are very often not in our groove. We have no idea what our bodies, mind, and heart needs. When we can feed ourselves thru quiet pause, inner reflection and query, sensing our bodies in a relaxed or softer state, we can then begin to expand our awareness into all living things and have a real connection to the universe at large and our most intimate self!
This is one of the many reasons I love to lead Yoga Retreats! Many locations that are remote or off the beaten path have poor internet connection if any at all. For some this can cause a panic, yet after a couple of days you see something change in each person. A softening, and an openess is revealed in each person. Connection amongst a group of strangers, a deep connection to oneself during practice and meditation. And the best part of all is that nobody is running off after class to instagram or FB something. Totally present to the beauty of life unfolding breath by breath, moment by moment!
Below is a very simple description on a relaxation approach. I use this approach or a very similar one in almost every class I teach and client I work with. Starting your practice or day in this way gives you all the information you may need to guide you in whatever you may be doing, creating spaciousness to allow your highest intentions to unfold and life to be received openly. Let's start here and find each other again, dance together, play, laugh and sing together. Life is for living, embrace each moment and drink in the nectar!
When you start relaxing, start from the circumference – that is where we are. We can start only from where we are. Relax the circumference of your being - relax your body, relax your behavior, relax your acts. Walk in a relaxed way, eat in a relaxed way, talk, listen in a relaxed way. Slow down every process. Don´t be in a hurry and don´t be in haste. Move as if all eternity is available to you - in fact, it is available to you. We have always been here and we will be here always. Forms go on changing, but not the substance. Garments go on changing, but not the soul.
The first step in relaxing is relaxing the body. And you will be surprised that if you approach any part of your body, it listens, it follows you - it is your body! With closed eyes, go inside the body from the toe to the head searching for any place where there is a tension. And then talk to that part as you talk to a friend. Let there be a dialogue between you and your body. Tell it to relax, and tell it, "There is nothing to fear. Don´t be afraid. I am here to take care - you can relax." Slowly slowly, you will learn the knack of it. ~ Osho